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Question about Hong Kong Weather
Please inform me the weather condition in HK at the end of Aug, 2009.
hi we will be visiting hongkong this coming aug 30-sept 1, 2009. can you please tell me the weather condition there? cause we are planning to go to ocean park on the 30th and disney on the 31st....i hope its not raining so we wouldn't need to bring umbrella or rain coat.
thank you very muchAsked by Lyn Fabregas (Philippines) | Aug. 25, 2009 06:56Answer Question
- The weather of Hong Kong at the end of this month will be sunny and cloudy. The temperature will be between 28 and 32 degrees Centigrade (82-90F).
Thanks for visiting chinatour360.com! Have a good trip!Answered by ChinaTour360.com | Aug. 25, 2009 18:23
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